Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Surgery Update

This site has had problems all day and I have had a very hard time getting into it. I am so sorry for the delay.

Paul had to have a complete replacement of the shunt system. It means a bit longer recovery unfortunately. There is no internet connection or cell phone connection at this hospital, so it has been hard to reach Jon. He said that Paul had a headache when he woke, but who knows if that is surgery related or pressure. Time will tell.
Jon stayed with Paul all day and I will take the night shift. James will be with Paul tomorrow. It would be wonderful if they released Paul tomorrow, but I don't think that will happen due to there being 4 incisions again. If I don't learn patience through all this - I will definitely be a hopeless cause!!

James, Michael and I got to attend Mass this morning. So many people continue to pray for us and I could not thank everyone enough for this. It was so peaceful this morning, with a fresh and crisp breeze blowing. I know the Holy Spirit is moving within us and that we are moving along by the grace of God. While I was disappointed to learn it was a full revision, I hold onto the fact that we are one day closer to the recovery Paul is supposed to have. Praise be to God.

Paul is scheduled for rehabilitation starting 6/26. Plese pray this surgery will be sucessful so that Paul can participate fully in his rehabilitation. There is a lot of ground to cover.

I will try to post the last few pictures we took this weekend. The system shut down as I was uploading them - a bit frustrating, to be sure! I should have more details to post tomorrow after our 'shift change'........smile.

Peace to all of you,
Jon and Rebecca

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