Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

We met with a doctor who has given the orders for rehab for Paul. The rehab department will set up a schedule for Paul for Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy to begin. They have also been instructed to get Paul an appointment with a Neuropsychologist who will assess Paul's cognitive abilities and then a psychiatrist to work on pain management.

We have an appointment (yahoo) with the neurosurgeon tomorrow morning. We have a long list of questions to ask and will try to get a better sense of why he does not think a cisternagram be done. We, on the other hand, are hopeful that the theory presented by Dr. Ghaly can be ruled out. We may resort to pleading and begging.......................smile! It would sure help put our minds at ease. Another thing we have scheduled is a headache specialist. He is to be seen on Thursday. If the neurosurgeon can prove the shunt is not the cause of the headache and it is working in a functional manner, then we have to find the reasons for the headache, which can be tough to do if it is due to the actual brain injury. Chronic and debilitating headaches can occur from traumatic brain injuries. We just need some other things ruled out also before resorting to total dependence on drugs.

Paul now weighs 139 pounds!!!!!!!!! I thought it was about time we supplied some good news on this site! He is also working towards swallowing enough liquids to get the feeding tube out. It is a goal James set for him and he is working hard today to swallow the 64 ounces of fluids he needs each day. Also, after James kidded him about being heavier (calling him a name), Paul told James that once he gets back to working out, he was going to punch him for the remark! Paul asked James if he understood what he just said and James said he would be happy to see Paul 'bring it on'. They both laughed and James told Paul to make that another goal for himself. Then Paul brought the glass of water he finished to the kitchen sink and had both arms up in the air to show James he accomplished the task of drinking the whole thing . We have a goal to be watching for.................and I am not talking about Paul hitting James!

O God of light and glory, you are the beauty we seek, the power to whom we entrust ourselves, the love for whom we hunger and thirst. Make yourself known to all people through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Rejoice in the Lord always,
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Amen, Amen.Rejoice in the Lord
Thank you God for hearing our plea and thank you for your continued love.

Anonymous said...

Olympic Water Drinking....now THERE is a gold medal sport!

Good news on the eating, drinking and weight gain. Ron and I are hopeful that you get some answers from the doctors in the next few days. Maybe Paul will get to take even more steps foward!

Thank you for keeping us informed. There are so many around who care and are interested.

Love to you all,


Anonymous said...

Paul, I hope you are having a good week, getting stronger every day. It's great to hear that you're feeling like eating, drinking, and going out for walks! As your mom knows, there are signs everywhere that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are walking with you, your constant companions. Praise be to our almighty God! My prayers continue.