Friday, December 09, 2005

Did someone say Six Flaggs?

What an exciting day this has been and it is only noon!
Paul was already done with breakfast when I got here at 9 am.
He had done well with soft food, and had even had some eggs. He struggled a little bit with the solid foods, but that should improve as each day goes by.
They had him in a very cool wheelchair. It can do so many things, like tilt back, and forward, and has a very large tray for Paul to work at. It also serves as a great support for his body. There is a head rest that curves around to really support his head and keep it in the correct position, as he continues to do things that will strengthen his neck muscles. With the new neck support, he has a lot better control for his head movements.
They measured his ankles, to make sure they have enough motion and flexing during the day so that when he is helped to stand up and walk, he won't have any problems with his ligaments being contracted in the wrong position. If they need to, they will make a cast for his left ankle that he will wear for 3 or so days, to help stretch it out. So cool!
Also, they have an alarm on the wheelchair that is set for 30 minutes and after that time, his chair is tilted back to take pressure off his body so that he will not have any break down of his skin. Then they reset the timer and repeat in 30 minutes.
They had Paul sitting on the edge of a big table that has a thick work out mat on it. He was asked to sit up very straight, which he did pretty well. He struggles to keep his head up straight, but it is a lot better than a couple of days ago.
He was asked to differentiate between shaving cream and deodarant bottles, which he did. They asked him to show what you do with each, which he did. He hesitated about the shaving cream, snd I looked at the occupational therapist and said "electric." Paul uses an electric shaver. So she asked us to bring that in so he can start taking care of himself. There is a sink and big mirror for Paul to personally groom himself.

He was put back in bed at noon. He was able to get a ride like at Six Flaggs. There is a mesh 'blanket' that they put under Paul on the bed, and there is a large bar that is connected to the ceiling, which is brought over the bed, and then he is lifted up and over his wheelchair. That is how they get him out of the wheelchair too.

I Have to sign off, they are getting him up for lunch!
Busy day!
Love to all


Anonymous said...

Hey Paul,
I can't believe the progress you have made in just four weeks! God in His goodness has answered our prayers and given us the miracle we all so desperately prayed for. Here you are, Paul, living proof that heartfelt prayers are very powerful!

I am so happy that you are now at Shephard Spinal. I know the pace has picked up since you arrived. Hang in there Paul! The whole family is behind you rooting you on and praying for your continued progress. God bless your efforts!

I love you Paul and can hardly wait unitl I can come and visit you again.

Aunt Bev

Anonymous said...

Now, I am fully expecting the next exercise to be, "put your right foot in...put your right foot out...put your right foot in, and shake it all about"

It sounds like they mean for you to get well sooner than later, Paul. I am betting that is just what you do! Keep going!


Anonymous said...

Wow Paul!

We are so amazed at the speed at which you are making progress. By now you realize how much work you have to do and the harder you work the sooner you can go home.

Your Mom and Dad have become truly inspired to write your story each day. Many people who might have been skeptical about the power of prayer surely must be true believers now. Fr, Paddy (currently laid up with a broken foot) spoke at Mass one day about the 2nd question in the Catechism -that we were put here to know, love and serve God. You have certainly served God well by helping people understand the power of prayer.


Mark and Patty Palmquist

Anonymous said...

Gee, thats a realy cool wheel chair! Paul does not need to go to six flags when he has that. Your doing great Paul!! Keep getting strong, and keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

hey paul bet that was fun

Anonymous said...

You are having an amazing recovery!
I prayed a Rosary today especially for you and your family! More to come!
God Bless!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Paul! Im really happy to read about your progress every day! Keep on getting better so i can come visit u again soon and awake this time! -Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, can you e-mail me a phone number that I can stay in touch with you now that Paul is at Shepard and can not have visitors at this time. My e-mail at DTSi is We are all still praying for all the Fideros and Paul's Recovery. He's one amazing young Man and we look forward to his return, his desk misses Him : )

Love in Christ
Richard Watson