Saturday, December 10, 2005

No Thanks

It is official. There can be no other explanation for the things we have seen in the last 2 days. We are positively witnessing a 'miracle season' in our lives.

Paul's little brother Michael walked into the room yesterday and had on a fleece jacket and it has the brand name COLUMBIA on the front. Paul motioned for Mike to come closer and he pointed at the word COLUMBIA and then he did a motion with his hand that a director of a movie might due to mean 'cut'. He did this motion across his throat, with his right hand. He was trying to tell Mike to quit wearing his clothes. The jacket Mike had on was a new one that Mike had purchased last week, and it is charcoal grey. Paul has one just like it, only black. So Mike told him, "I know this looks like yours, but see, mine has a pocket on the inside and mine is grey - yours is black." With that explanation, Paul gave him the ok sign. That let us know Paul has memory of things in his past, but to what extent will remain to be seen. Mike knows it means he won't be able to borrow Paul's leather jacket after all.

Mike also purchased a pair of shoes for Paul to wear. Paul looked at them and then motioned to put them back into the box. He didn't like them. He realized they weren't his own shoes. So Mike told Paul all about the gel in the heels and that Uncle Mike wears this same shoe, and went on to explain how well built they were. So Paul took another look at them, then handed me the shoe and pointed to his foot. I put them on and Paul seemed content with them. Appears Paul's fashion sense is intact. Or, it could mean that Mike will be able to talk his brother into all the good reasons Paul should let him wear the leather jacket.

Jon was with Paul all day yesterday and it was fitting that he got to see Paul take his first step. I was witness to Paul's other first steps about 20 years ago, so it was his dad's turn. Jon said that Paul was in the wheelchair when he got there. They took Paul down to the physical therapy room and asked Paul to help get out of the wheelchair. What they were not ready for was Paul getting up and standing with very moderate assistance and took a step to help get to the mats. These mats are on platforms that are raised to about knee level, so patients can sit and strengthen the back and neck muscles. When he was done, he stood up again and with moderate assistance, got back into his wheelchair. They did not have to use the lift to get Paul back into bed either. He stood and helped get to the bed. See what I mean? The only explanation is that we are in the miracle season. For Paul to have made that kind of progress over night is phenomenal.

That is not the highlight of the day, believe it or not. Jon had brought a pad of paper and a pen down with him to see if Paul could write anything. He said he wrote a couple of things, but Jon could not make it out. Then, someone asked Paul if he needed help with anything, and he wrote NO THANKS on the pad of paper. He can spell, can write and even remembered his manners! We were bursting with joy at this development. It does not mean Paul is fully recovered, but it is a good starting point for him. Paul has such a long way to go before he has all the recovery God intends for him, but God's hand is clearly at work. It has made our walk with Him so filled with hope and joy and renewed faith. Everyday we are reminded that we have choices. We could despair over the fact that Paul may never play the guitar as he did before, or that he may suffer a permanent physical impairment (vision), or cognitive disabilities. Or we could dwell on how this has disrupted our lives at this busy time of year, when we were in the middle of getting ready for our son Jon's wedding.Or that we can no longer come and go as we used to. But the joy that has come from thanking God for the life of Paul, for the opportunity to share this real faith story with others to help them renew their own faith and ours as we care for each other through our prayerfulness - these are some of the gifts of this miracle season. We have felt a love that has been like a blanket to us,and have seen marvelous deeds and actions by the caring nurses and doctors and friends. We have heard of the miracles happening to people who had given up on God, but were drawn back in by this story of a young man receiving great graces and healings through the powerful prayers of faithful people of God. So many things will not be made known to us, but will still be part of this story that has helped us learn about the Glory of God. I heard once that the tapestry that God weaves is not for us to know or see, but that we have to trust He is weaving it according to His will. We can only see the knots from below. I have imagined that one day, I may see the one beautiful ROSE that was woven in this large tapestry, and that will be the flower that represented our little occurence and the lives of everyone touched by it. It is a tiny little event in the whole scheme of history, but the ripple effect will go out and be part of God's marvelous plan for His children.

Today's scripture reading at Mass jumped out at me and confirmed what we have come to understand in this last month. St. Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, 5:16-24,
" Brothers and Sisters: Rejoice always. Pray wihout ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. Refrain from every kind of evil. May the God of peace make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also accomplish it."

Yes, our Lord Jesus is faithful, and His way to our heart is made straight when we listen humbly to the words of Truth.

Jesus is the light for your pathway - pray for the grace to follow Him where He leads you. He will never fail you.

Love to everyone in this day that the Lord has truly made.
Jon and Rebecca Fidero


Anonymous said...

Paul, congrats on being able to stand up and take your first step! I know that all these prayers we are offering up are being heard in heaven since we are seeing so many results in your progress, which has been nothing short of miraculous! So keep working hard; I know I will be very impressed when I get to see you again! Maybe when I am able to come see you we'll be able to take a few steps together; it's been lonely walking without you lately... you're in my prayers Paully!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I have been praying for paul since the day of the accident and to see how far he has come is phenominal...It is truly amazing and miraculous what the Lord has done in these past few weeks and i eagerly await to hear what the Lord has planned for the weeks to come in Paul's life...Praise God for your strong and continuous faith as a family and know that God's will will be done...I can't wait to see what happens next and until then i will be praying...
-John Fogleman

Anonymous said...

good work paul. ceep up the goodworks.

Anonymous said...

Good going Paul! Walking, writing and being polite on the same day! keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful Paul. You have always amazed us with your God given talens, and you continue even now. Advent is the vigil of our Lord Jesus Christ' birth. This is also the vigil of God's continuous will for your life. How blessed we all are to be a part of your life Paul. We were all so happy at your birth and the joy is still over flowing. Thanks be to God for the goodness he shows us and the abundant love He wishes us to know. See you soon Paully. We love you.
Aunt Mary Beth

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for having this site to update us about Paul's progress. It is so encouraging to read about the continuing faith your family has in God throughout everything, and God's work in Paul's recovery. Praise the Lord! Keep up the good work paul!

I found this verse encouraging...
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Paul, on all of your accomplishments. It's so good to see your personality is perfectly in tact. I look forward to reading more about your progress again tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

Reading this brings back so many memories of Chip's time at Shepard. He too fretted that he would not regain his guitar-playing ability, but today plays better than ever! It all comes back in God's time.

Fr. Guista reminded us yesterday that Our Lady of Guadalupe assured Juan Diego
to never fret, that we are always wrapped in her arms. I picture the Fidero family wrapped in her arms.

Anonymous said...

OK, can I just say nothing short of amazing! God's hands are holding you and your family! His angels are on either side of Paul. I could only imagine that Paul is on the 'fast-track' road to recovery. If he thought Michael was wearing his jacket - Praise God! That's wonderful. Any word on being able to bring Abby to see Paul? Prayers (and praise) are still coming your way! God is wonderful!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dar Paul, and family,
Congradulations on your recent move. It is such a blessing to sit and read about how everyone's prayers are being answered. Keep up the hard work, and KEEP THE FAITH! We will keep praying,and reading all the updates.
Susan Nelson

Anonymous said...

I read about you everyday and think about your accident 4 weeks ago... and how far you have come...
You are meant to be here with us all, no doubt.
I thank God everyday for this progress you are making.
You have many plus' working with you, your youth and the work of the medical field, Christopher Reed, pushing spinal injure medicine to the place where it is today.
We can all thank God and Jesus, but you, medicine and your faith and willingness to survive is what's keeping you going.
I am SO happy you are doing okay!.
On August 17, 2006 I hope to meet you again at Brendan's house.
Maybe we can all go to UGA
and celebrate Brendan's 22 birthday.

Your always on my mind,
Brendan's Aunt Sharon and yours too!