Friday, December 02, 2005

And Then the Girlfriend Walked In...

Paul has been more awake today, since his girlfriend Geneva is now here. It has been good to see him perk up today and her visit has been a blessing. He was not in a very good mood last night, not really responding to anything, nor interested in any attempt to pass the time doing anything that required effort.
I thought he would be like that today, but when Geneva came in, he was alert and started to try to make efforts to move his left side (which were pretty successful). He was able to actually squeeze my hand with his left hand. Not a hard squeeze, but more definitive than the attempt yesterday. His left leg is now moving much more than a few days ago.

I asked if he is doing better with the feeding tube directly in his stomach and was told he is. They did another x-ray on his shoulder and it is not showing any changes that would require surgery - will heal on its own in due time.
His left eye is a lot less swollen, but will remain stitched closed, to protect the cornea. In God's time and ways will we know the outcome of his vision.
He tried to write on the magna doodle, but again, the writing is too small to be legible. When we asked him to write it again, he drew an arrow from the bottom, and also an arrow from the top, both pointing to the word. We had said we could not see it, to please write it bigger. Instead he just used arrows. Probably thinking to himself "and you say I have the sight problem!" Again, a very Paul thing to do. Don't write it again..........use arrows to show us.
Geneva wrote down a question and then wrote down "yes or no," and he circled no, so he understands that that is another way to communicate. He understood what was being asked of him. Geneva's mother suggested we get a magnet board with magnet words and letters so he can spell things out - if he has that ability yet. I guess a trip to Toys R Us will be on the agenda!

I wanted to share a most beautiful story about one of the most touching stories of of huge faith. I heard from my niece yesterday that her boyfriend's grandmother,Margarita Benedit, who is 83 years old, has walked everyday to Christ the King Cathedral in Atlanta to light a candle in front of the Blessed Mother. This is not the amazing thing. It is the distance she walks to do this, which is a good long way. I have not had a chance to get the miles, but will try to include it in the next blog. She has not met our family, but since she heard about this from her family, she answered the call for prayer in a very loving and sacrificial way. My heart felt thanks to this sweet woman. I hope we can meet her soon.

I will send this now, as we are approaching the time for getting Paul ready for surgery. Will update this as soon as he comes out and we hear how it went. Which I have great faith will be good.

God bless you today in all ways,
Rebecca Fidero

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey im sure glad he came uot of that one fast. say paul keep doing what your doing right now and you will be uot of there in no time at all. sure hope you get a full recofery fast and soon so you can be out of there quick. very soon i mean it get uot of there paul soon.