Thursday, April 27, 2006

Back In The Saddle Again

We started where we began in January. I got Paul up and slowly got him ready to take a walk at St. Stephen's today. He was very alert and got up willingly, which was a relief. He has been very irritable in the last 2 weeks and I was wondering how it would go today when I would explain to him we were going to get back on the schedule we had months ago. The weather was also agreeable and could not have been more pleasant. It was about 70 degrees, a northern wind blowing, which meant little humidity and an incredibly blue sky. Perfect walking weather! Abby was beside herself with happiness when I asked her if she wanted to go with us, as I jingled the keys.

When we got there, I asked Paul to try to walk to a light post just a short distance way and as we approached it, he kept walking. He either had not heard my stated destination, or he felt strong enough to go further. I didn't say a word, and let him decide how much he could handle. We walked all the way down to the bottom of the parking lot and then back up the hill to the car. It was a very slow pace, but he did a great job. Then, he sat in the van while I finished walking around the lot 3 more times so Abby could get back on track with some excercise. She has picked up some weight these last 2 months and needs to get more activity in her life. Needless to say, I am speaking for both of us! Smile. When we finished, I got her some water, then asked Paul if he would like to go into the sanctuary and we could say a prayer of thanksgiving for his ability to get outside and walk again. I knew he didn't really feel like moving, but he made the effort and we were able to walk in and say a few prayers together. I fought to hold back the tears, but I was just so thankful for that moment in time. The church was beautifully decorated for Easter and in each window there is an angel with lots of flowers and so I asked all the angels and saints to join us in our prayer of thanksgiving. It was truly another one of my 'pockets of peace' that give me the strength and grace to move forward no matter what comes my way.

Later this afternoon, I decided to see if Paul would take another small walk down the street and back. He is so awesome...........he got right up and we walked until he made the decision to turn around. He sat on the couch for awhile, then asked for some Tylenol and had to go back to bed. I will have Jon help him do some upper body excercises this evening if possible. I am so anxious to get Paul up and at least moving again, but also have to be very mindful of the fact that he is so weak due to a month of being in bed 90% of the time. Looks like we may need to order a case of Wheaties!

I got to have a long talk with my son James today. He also brought lots of comfort to me. I was saying how wonderful it had been to be in church today, in front of the tabernacle and how I wished we could go to Mass every morning. I told him that I have learned so much since November 11th, and the one really big thing is that I will never take for granted again the blessing of being able to attend Mass each day. I look so forward to that. He told me to not be upset because he and my oldest son, Jon, were going to Mass each day for our family. He said that he is glad that he can return what his parents have done for him all these past years. Words cannot describe the joy that is in my heart today. I know that God is lovingly taking care of His world and His children and I am graatful for this knowledge.

May we go in peace and proclaim His goodness to all.
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Peace be given unto you dear ones. Your faithfulness will not go unrewarded. Did you get a chance to read your Magnificat? How fitting, for you truly are not of this earth, but instead have your heart and soul in the heavens.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Rebecca,
You and Paul are in our prayers every morning. We thank God for all His mercy and love that He shows us daily. I told a group of ladies last night how your testimony each day builds my faith and has witnessed to so many people the awesome power of our God and his faithfulness to His people. My friend here, who heads up the catholic catechism program for the deaf and blind is moving to Naples in May. I told her to try and live close to Ave Maria so she can attend the beautiful masses there and always have the adoration chapel open to visit. She knows of Paul through Jordan offering up prayers for him every wednesday at "deaf church" on the campus of FSDB. We are so proud of how hard Paul works to regain his strength and remains calm in the face of such tremendous adversity. He is so precious to the Lord, as he has truly shared in His sufferings. May the Lord continue to shower blessings, peace and hope into your life. You are loved.