Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tough Night - Tough Guy

Paul has experienced a really rough night and it has continued this morning. He is running a fever and has not been able to hold down the formula in his feeding tube. They have stopped the feeding to allow his system to settle down and will review what will work better. He has not had much relief from his headaches, which is to be expected. Even with morphine and Lortab, he was not sleeping very well through the night. He is resting a bit more comfortably after getting rid of the food in his stomach this morning, but he lost all the medication that had been given to him. They are waiting for an hour or so and then will give him another dose.

We have not seen the doctor yet, but I am sure Paul won't be released today, since he does have a fever.

It has amazed me how strong Paul has been through all of this. The fact that he tried so hard to work through his therapies these last few weeks, with all that pressure building up in his head, then the pain he is experiencing after his surgery, it is an incredible effort on his part. He does not complain, but his eyes show how much pain he is in.

Please continue to pray that the doctors and nurses will be lead to bring Paul the comfort he needs to get more rest.

Thank you so much for your continued support. I will update this at the end of the day and hopefully Paul will be past this curve in the road.

God bless your day,
Jon and Rebecca Fidero


Anonymous said...

We are all praying for each of you and the staff at the hospital.

Paul, We hope you start to feel better real soon.

We love you,

Love, The California Fidero's

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for keeping us so well informed through all of this. THANKS BE TO GOD for your strength...and PAUL'S and all the good help around you! It is incredible how far you all have come since November 11!

Love to all of you!

Anonymous said...

I grieves me to hear about Paul's headaches. I will pray fervently for his relief from them. Few other things kill an appetite so effectively as pain. That Paul could persever through his therapies, much less respond politely in conversation is a testament to his determination and character.

I remember after my knee surgery that I had great difficulty in getting back on track while the anesthesia was working its way out of my system. It took almost a week before my body's thermostat allowed me to sleep without waking up literaly in a puddle of sweat, followed by a session with the shivers. I had no idea that the gasses used during anesthesia were the culprit. Mark (brother) explained to me that the molecules of the anesthetic gasses are larger than oxygen molecules and you don't just exhale them out of your system, like CO-2.

The knowledge was of little comfort but perhaps Paul is also experiencing the sweats/shivers which keep him from a good restful sleep. Just be attentive to keeping warm DRY blankets available for him - and a kiss on both cheeks(always good luck in this family)from all of us reading the blog today.

I am so pleased to hear that Paul's short term memory is improving. Every little step forward is a confirmation to us that God is answering our prayers and will not abandon Paul. Our God is a faithful God as well as a loving God.

All my love to all of you.

Peace, Love and some Turtle Shell wax for Paul's noggin,

Anonymous said...

Though I only know your family from seeing them at SJN years ago I'm with all of you. More fervent prayers coming your way!
"another Paul"