Monday, January 09, 2006

Name That Tune !!!

This past weekend was a good one for Paul because of his ability to be much more mobile. He was able to be out of his wheelchair most of the time, and walks fairly steadily. He needs someone to be by his side to prevent any falls, but he holds his own 90% of the time. Physically, Paul is showing great improvements.

He still cannot swallow liquids. It is the most peculiar thing, and I spoke to his doctor about it. They are wondering about it too, and have not been able to figure out why this has become a problem. He can swallow liquids if he is given it by spoon, but no other way. Twice this weekend, Paul picked up his cup like he was determined to follow through, but each time after he took a sip, he came to a complete stop. He eventually has to spit it out and then continues with eating. We sat for 15 minutes each time, waiting until he would finally concede and get rid of it. It is so puzzling and I have stepped up my prayers of request to God. It is out of my hands or expertise, and apparently the hospital has not been able to resolve the issue at this time. It means a delay for Paul's getting into a full day at the Shepherd Pathways program, which is a disappointment. This is another time for us to hold onto our faith and trust in God, knowing He is the one leading the way. It is also a test of our patience as we watch Paul struggle with this unexplainable glitch to his progress. He developed this problem 11 days ago and no one has the answer. I know that God's hand is in all things.

I have always hated suspense in any way. I am the one who reads the last chapter or two of a book to know how it ends before I start the book. If someone in the family has seen a movie before me, I beg them to tell me the end if it gets too scary or suspenseful. In fact, my brother in law has more than once said to everyone before we start a movie "If anyone has seen this movie, don't tell Rebecca because she will ask a million questions!" I love that you can rent movies now, because I have the ability to see the end first. So, for God to choose me to live this pathway with Paul is ironic. Those who know me well know that this is exactly the kind of scenario I don't handle well. I cannot fast forward to see how this will turn out, I can't read the end chapter. I have to wait. I have to completely trust that God will not give us more than we can handle. I have to trust that He will answer this in HIS TIME and in HIS WAY. I have no control at all. In all honesty, it is the hardest test in my life so far.

Just when I think I can't take it anymore, I get another bread crumb on the pathway from God. I had asked Paul on Saturday night if he knew the difference between happy and sad. He said "Why do you ask?" I said that he didn't seem to show any emotions anymore. I asked him if his brother Jon would walk into the room at that moment, would he be happy. He said yes. I then asked him what makes him sad. He said "This home makes me sad." I told him that he was not at home, he was in a hospital and asked what about the hospital made him sad. He said "The people, the sounds, the smells." I was glad to know he could verbalize what bothered him, since he mostly just looks around him and never talks. So I told Paul that he would becoming home the next day for the whole day, and then in 2 days after that, he would come home for good. On Sunday, we were able to bring Paul home for a day visit. He was very sad and distant when we got to the hospital. He didn't seem to understand why we were there. I was thinking it may not be a good home visit for him after all. We got him into the car and he just stared straight ahead. As we got closer to home, he started to look around and seemed to finally understand where he was going. As we walked into the garage, Mike came out of the house and said he was sorry, but he had just make popcorn and it burned and he tried to get the smell out with Lysol spray and now the house smelled really bad. I had to laugh, as I remembered Paul saying he hated the smells of the hospital........wait til he got into the house! Sure enough, it was a pretty bad smell. Mike said "sorry bro" and Paul gave him the thumbs up. I went straight to the kitchen and made chocolate chip cookies to offset the smell. It worked like a charm. Paul went to the big lounge chair and he immediately took off his hat and slid the chair back into the reclining position. He was home and he knew it! Later, he went to the front room and Mike told him the piano was tuned. So he sat down and to my total amazement, played some chords all the way up the keyboard to test it. Then he played a song, using both hands very well and we all listened. His Aunt Bev and Uncle Joe were there, along with Brenda Stoll,( our neighbor who came by at that moment to bring some soup) Geneva and Matt Velker. We all listened while I taped it and it was the most wonderful moment.

God gave me a way to handle the suspense.....He gave me a movie to watch whenever I get worried about the ending!!!

Please continue to pray for Paul and for all those who are suffering. The suspense is a tough test.

Love to everyone. I want you all to know, we have had our spirits lifted on high as we read your comments. What a treasure this site has been. It will also provide great reading when we put it into book form. I hear the last chapter will be the best!
Jon and Rebecca Fidero


Anonymous said...

Jon & Rebecca - we are certain this chapter of Paul's life will end in an uplifting and positive way. Keep the faith! Steps backward are o.k. - This means Paul will have a chance to repeat some things - so, we'll just call it practice. Practice makes perfect! Your overall spirit is contagious. Keep it up!

The Carlson's (Naperville)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Rebecca. This movie will have a great ending because God is the ultimate director. Keep going Paul. You and your family are in our prayers everyday.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca,
You don't know me, but I am the mom of two of Marie's roomates (before Jon ;-) ) Branwen (now Goeckner) and Miriel Thomas. I have been following this site almost since it began and praying for Paul, and I think you might find more assurance of God's long-term fathfulness in another site:

Karis Kornfield has been Branwen's friend since they were preschoolers. She was born with serious health problems, and is now in Pittsburgh awaiting a multi-organ transplant. Although her mom, Debbie, writes from an Evangelical Protestant perspective, I think you will be blessed with how God has been faithful to them in the long haul. Especially check out the Worshipping God in the Desert section.

Continuing in prayer for Paul and all of you.

Ellen Thomas

Anonymous said...

The Dunleavys from Wyoming continue to pray for you, Paul, and your family every day, and we faithfully follow these updates. I hope we can meet one day--maybe at Ave Maria. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I have to remember to put on my mascara AFTER I read the blog. I cry with such joy each time I read. Gracie will be thrilled to hear about you playing the piano Paul. Perhaps you too can play a duet some day. I guess I need to get our piano tuned too so she doesn't throw you off. God bless all of you. It was great to see Paul in comfy home settings. Michael, Gracie also has a habit of burning popcorn. lol. She always has felt right at home with you cousins.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

If you remember our talk about what a long path this is, you are still in the beginning. The brain takes a long time to heal, but it DOES heal!. Reading your blogs is like reliving our path with Chip. He, too, went through swallow therapy, came home with a food tube,....went through half of rehab with it.

Please feel free to call me. I have lost your phone number and can't find you in the book.

Chip has a long way to go, but he starts his second semester at Tech today, walking the campus with Christ by his side.

Paul's progress to date is nothing sort of miraculous and much faster than any doctor would have predicted. Like him, you must live in the present and leave the future to mantra for 18 months.

Love & prayers, Dee Huggins

Anonymous said...

You don't have to fast forward to the end of this movie, This one we all know the ending. I know I always fuss at you for trying to short cut the end of the movie and ruin it for the rest of us. God has a wonderful plan for your family and for Paul. Spreading the news of this Miracle is worth shouting about. In the end, He will have the gates open to all who have opened their hearts and minds to hear His Good news. Faith thus far has begun this journey and Faith will be the final chapter. In this movie, the ending IS worth looking forward to, but be patient, Great things are worth enjoying one day at a time. When we heard Paul play the piano, it must have been music for the Angels. It was like the opening score to a great movie, sit back and enjoy the feature film, with God as the director.
I will pray for each day to bring more blessings and new "scenes" that are great surprise chapters.
Uncle Joe

Anonymous said...

Nice message Jo Jo. Hope the bill of fare is up to par at Uncle Joes' Kitchen this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hi Paul & Fidero Family,
We got another taste of how great your family support system is after having James stay with us in Oregon for a few days. You have a super brother and son who is a testimony to a STRONG family filled with GOD'S LOVE. Firstly, reading each day about how one guy can accomplish so much in such a short amount of time is awesome, but secondly the real amazing part is how God is right there with you every minute! Keep up the good work and we hope to meet you one of these days.
With continued prayers,
The Kilian Family

Anonymous said...

Jon, Rebecca & Family-
It is written, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age"; and again, "I will never leave you or forsake you". Jesus is right there with you and He WILL bear you up in this difficult time. Praise His mighty and glorious name forever and ever.
Love to all,
Mark, Rebecca & Family

Anonymous said...

Rebecca (and Jon),

The movie will ALWAYS play on...and the ending is in God's patient! God's time is the best!

Paul...keep playing that music...I hope that you have even more opportunity to play as music seems to be a great healer! I bet the angels and saints of God were playing right along with you!!!

I keep all of you in my prayers every day. Rebecca, thank you for sharing God's word the way that you do. God bless all of you!

Carol Rehonic

Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca,
We have come to know your family through SJN school friends who know you. We have a neighbor who's 12 yr. old daughter suffered a brain injury from a bike accident late last year (doing FANTASTIC now, by the way). I consulted w/ her re: the swallowing issues they had w/ their
daughter and here is her response:

"I just read the latest on Paul. I was unable to post a reply. It seems so strange that the swallowing problem just started. However, we were told that liquids, particularly water, is much harder to swallow than solids or pureed foods. Water was the very last thing that Kaitlin was cleared to swallow.

There is a substance, it is called nectar, that you can add to liquids which makes them thick. We used them for Kaitlin for a while. This enabled her to have her feeding tube removed sooner. I have a few of the packets, I believe. They may already know about this (I would hope the hospital knows about them). Mention it to your friend Donna just incase or post it to the site.

The whole swallowing thing was one of the most frustrating parts of Kaitlin's recovery. We never really knew why she was not swallowing...was it the brain injury, the trama from the breathing tube, nerve damage...we never got a straight answer from the docs or the speech pathologist. One day God just made her swallow again. But it took several weeks of repeated swallowing tests for her to be totally cleared to swallow everything. And still some time I notice her making "double swallows" to get something down."

Hopefully this was of some help.
Gina Murphy