Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Juiced Up

We have been concerned lately about whether Paul's regression, which he has had over the past few weeks, might be due to his medications. We are in the process of doing some research into the exact time frame of when he started each of his 4 medications and the onset of his inability to swallow food and liquids and his inability to talk whenever someone is asking him questions. The food issue is slowly resolving itself, but only for one or 2 meals a day. Dinner is almost always not eaten, and I am not sure if it is because of the medications he is on. When we read the side affects, they all cause loss of appetite and drowsiness. Paul would sleep the whole day away if we let him. We have to steer him away from couches whenever possible, so that he stays sitting up. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to find the best possible course of action to take for Paul's recovery. Our son Jon has done some research into natural and organic foods and we have started to add organic blueberry juice, fresh vegetable juices and freshly squeezed fruit juice to his feedings. My sister found that blueberries and strawberries are very beneficial for the brain. God has provided us with all we need on earth, and sometimes I feel the medical profession prescribes medications before making sure it is the best option. Our concerns are about the mix of medications and their side affects. Paul has enough problems to overcome, and to cause complications from medication is the last thing he needs. If there is any information you have read about or know first hand and think it may be helpful, please feel free to email me at

On Tuesday, Jon and I both were feeling so sad all of a sudden. It was funny how we both were feeling the same way and had not spoken about it to each other. We had finished dinner and I was still sitting with Paul, watching him just look at his plate and Jon was doing the dishes. I was fighting back tears as I started to remember Paul as he had been and I got up from the table to go into the kitchen so that he would not see me cry and Jon was leaning over the sink, struggling with his emotions. I was glad I had come into the kitchen so we could share the moment together. We both had felt despair about all the problems Paul would have to over come, if he would be able to at all. Since we have never experienced any of this and there is no certain outcome, we both got caught up in the 'what ifs'. We hugged each other and we said a prayer for Paul and for the knowledge to know what we needed to be doing for him. It is amazing how much peace there is when we can immediately place all our fears, doubts and sorrow in the Blessed Mother's hands and ask her to intercede for us.

Today (Wednesday) was the feast day of the Conversion of St. Paul. Our prayer today was for St. Paul to also pray with us for Paul's healing. I remembered something the chaplain had told me when Paul was at Gwinnett Medical Center. She reminded me that St. Paul spent 40 days after his conversion in the desert. He took that time to prepare to go out and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. I smiled as I thought about that and then reminded myself (yes, again!)that God knows how long He needs our Paul (and us) to be in the desert and that it is all in His plan for Paul. Then, the best part of this was a call I received from Dee Huggins, whose son also suffered a serious brain injury about 18 months ago. I knew in just a few minutes of talking with her that God had ONE MORE TIME sent someone to help me find the courage I needed to walk this very long road. Dee reminded me that Paul is 'walking from Lilburn to California' and he is not out of Georgia yet! Her words brought so much comfort and also more insight. Paul is in the very earliest stages of his recovery and he has made great progress. The fact that he had eaten before and had not had problems with swallowing only confirms that he has nothing physically or neurologically wrong. I will keep praying that God will lead the medical team and us to the answer. And of course, In His time. That is a tough time frame for this impatient Dee also gave the most perfect analogy concerning Paul's 'plateau' that he seems to have gotten stuck on. She said that while his progress seems to have stopped, it is because his brain is in the process of repairing itself. She said that when a car is being fixed, the engine is turned off. His brain cannot progress and repair itself at the same time. So he is in the 'repairing mode'. With that explanation, I reflected on how God guided our son Jon to provide me with all that information about giving the most beneficial food for Paul. Great timing! I also had to laugh about how awesome God's timing was in that Paul would never on his own drink a mixture of juices from bananas, kiwi, spinach, blueberries, mangos, dragon fruit, strawberries, apples and carrots! It is no problem with the feeding tube - plenty of milk and the oragnic fruit and vegetable juices for our Paul and he doesn't have to taste it. It is a win-win situation.

The most important lesson that Dee shared from this feast day of St. Paul was the homily that the priest gave at Mass today. He reminded everyone that to have a conversion, there is usually suffering involved. There is first an experience of hardship before the conversion can take place. It is so true, that if we are going to be converted in our ways and be able to follow the way God has intended for us, we have to die unto our old self and be made new. Not an easy thing to do, as we have free will and the earthly ways can seem so much more attractive, appealing and easy a route to take. My greatest consolation is knowing I won't be walking this way alone. God sends people, angels and the Holy Spirit to be our companions. How awesome is that??

So, ONE MORE TIME I thank God for hearing my prayer for the strength to deal with this and for surrounding me with the love of these other children of God!

Go out to all the world and tell the Good News. (Mk 16:15)

On the road to Damascus, St. Paul was freed from the law of sin and death to become a willing slave to the law of life and love given in Jesus Christ.

Psalm 19
The law of the Lord is perfect, it revives the soul.
The rule of the lord is to be trusted, it gives wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right, they gladden the heart.
The command of the Lord is clear, it gives light to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is holy, abiding for ever.
The decrees of the Lord are truth and all of them just.

They are more to be desired than gold, than the purest of gold, and
sweeter are they than honey, than honey from the comb.

So in them your servant finds instruction; great reward is in their keeping.
But who can detect all his errors? From hidden faults acquit me.

May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart,
win favor in your sight, O Lord, my rescuer, my rock!

In this day, grant the wisdom of the cross to all those who wish to serve you Lord.
Jon and Rebecca

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul Fidero and Family

Paul~ Drink those juices. Juice always makes me feel better, and I think that fruit juice is good. But I admit that when I was looking at the pictures earlier, that you looked great! You have come a long way Paul, with such strenght and faith.
Fidero family~ Thank you for keeping the blog updated and posting the picutes. With such a caring family, I am sure that Paul will get stronger and better.!!