Friday, April 13, 2007

A Change in the Wind?

We are coming out of one of the coldest Easter weather and on to bright sunny days. Maybe it is just the weather or the fact that I am back home and have had 2 nights of peaceful sleep, but I feel we are making some progress in the recovery process.

Jerry has been the best caregiver in the world! He called me about 6 times in a row last night after each doctor came in to give his report and after getting so many of my questions answered. He said that the general surgeon does not believe Paul has gall bladder, appendix, kidney stones, gall stones or any other type problem that would require surgery. He does have a lot of associated problems due to the inflammation caused by the infected shunt tubing that had been in his abdomen. Paul's system is just reacting to the infection and the removal of said tubing. He will need to get up more each day and move around to help his system resolve the problems left behind - which is a very large amount of gas in the lower abdomen. This is all complicated by the issue that his head has a tube connected to an external shunt and he is still on an IV for the antibiotics and hydration he needs. Makes walking around a bit ......tricky.
The process is cumbersome and very time consuming because every time Paul gets up, we have to call a nurse in to clamp off the tubing from the brain to stop the overflow of brain fluid. Then we have to manuever the 2 stands holding the apparatus for the IV and the external shunt behind Paul as he walks. When he lays back down, we have to call the nurse again and have her open the clamp, and recalibrate the shunt by using a laser that is pointed toward a certain point on Paul's forehead. Once he has his head at the level that he feels is comfortable, the laser is pointed to the correct area, then the shunt is adjusted to flow at the prescribed amount set by Dr. McLanahan. We are to have Paul drink as much fluid as possible to help his intestinal system, which means he is getting up more often. We are so blessed to have Jerry helping us in the rotation! Jon is on his way up to Charlotte now for 'shift change'. I go on Sunday.

Paul is expected to be in the hospital until next week, towards the latter part. So we have set our schedules to handle the days he is there. We have found that someone really needs to be with Paul 24/7 as he needs so much assistance. He misses being home so much, as you can well imagine. I feel guilty being back in our house again. I have had some very peaceful moments on the front porch, watching the birds and the breeze gently moving the flowers in the garden. I have watched the sun come these past 2 days and have just stood there letting it warm my face. I have prayed almost non-stop for God to heal Paul so that he can be home and enjoy being with his dog and back in his own bed. We talked about how much fun we will have when he comes home and he can curl up in his favorite blanket on Jerry's couch, Abby right below him, and all of us enjoying a good movie and warm popcorn from Jerry's huge popcorn maker. It is the neatest machine - the stand is on a cart with 2 large wheels, and it has a large glass enclosed area where the popping corn falls into. Jerry got a butter warmer (Michael's suggestion) and he has these really cool popcorn bags. We have enjoyed "Friday Night at the Movies" ever since Jerry moved into his new home. We all look forward to it. I told Paul last night that we will aim for our first Friday night back at Jerry's next week. I told him to hold onto that as our goal. He said he just wants to be home with his dog. That is his goal. Well Paul...........that is a fine goal to be sure!

Having each of us taking different shifts is the best way to do this. It keeps us more fresh and helps Paul have some variety in his days spent in the hospital. By the end of the shift, we are so tired. There is very little chance for decent sleep due to the constant interruptions at the hospital. I know Paul will mend a lot more quickly once he gets home and gets the rest he really needs after all of this is over. He will have had 3 surgeries in 2 weeks and it really takes its toll on his body. The anesthesia is tough on anyone, but really is tough for brain injured patients.
We are all really looking forward to getting him back home!

In this Easter week, I pray we will all be examples of the new birth we celebrate, in our every word and action. Bless your people, Lord.

Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

We love you!! We will see you soon.

Anonymous said...


Don't feel "guilty" for being at home, as being at home is the BEST WAY to gather strength from God. Those quiet moments of peace that you are getting are helping you to receive strength from God, that you need to refresh yourself...even Jesus took time to talk to Our Father once in a while. Take the strength from God as a gift from Him and do NOT feel guilty!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you Paul
Love, Anne

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is Divine Mercy Sunday as my Mom has reminded me a million and one times. hehe :) anyways, i will be praying so hard for Paul at mass tomorrow. Jesus, I trust in You.
Paul, you rock, man. Continue to fight the good fight. you are just awesome! and you too rebecca! and all your family and friends that give so much love and assistance to you. what an awesome blessing it must be to have the great support team that you all have! Much love to ya! :)

Anonymous said...

We are all praying for Team Fidero. On this Divine Mercy Sunday, your strength and faith are an example for all of us.

All things are possible through Christ.