Wednesday, February 07, 2007

With Him, In Him, Through Him

Hello Everyone,

I want to begin this by thanking everyone for all of the prayers you say for me. They have helped and continue to help me so much every day. I'm sure you all already know that I still have to recover a lot in many ways, but the prayers make it easier to do. Of course, I honestly believe these prayers kept me alive from the beginning and continue to help me every single day. My last surgery went pretty well. I still have headaches every day, all day, but they should be minimized in time. Believe it or not, the worst part of the surgery was having to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks!!! I know you know the feeling. It's similar to when you go to someone's house and it's just wrong and you want to bail out of there, but you can't because it's some event you have to be at and the whole dang evening all you think about is getting out of there. THEN, sadly, because of that way of thinking, the time goes even more slowly, and it feels like 8 hours when you look at your watch, but it's only been been 4 minutes. That was the feeling I had at the hospital.

Of course there were some..........people who were not so enjoyable, and all I could think of was how much I would like them to scoot right on out of the room. But there were also some fantastic people there who I loved to have around helping us. They were very, very nice to me, and very helpful and funny, and laughed at some of my joking :).

Anyway, all that aside, the surgery seems to have gone pretty well. I am getting better and I will continue to get better with all of these prayers being said for me! I of course, will pray for all readers of this blog and keep you all in my prayers. God is indeed quite awesome, and even with my injuries and daily pains, I still believe in his Glory and understand how incredible he is more than I used to.

Lastly, oddly enough, I want to apologize to everyone who I have ever done ANYTHING cruel or mean to, and whose feelings I have ever hurt. I am not sure why, but God has placed a few memories back in my mind. Memories of sins have been in my mind and again, I am SO SORRY to anyone and everyone I have ever hurt. It is very sad when I think about all I have done that hurts other people in any way. The worst part is knowing that it hurts God too.

God bless You All. I do love you all, whether I know you or not, and I will of course, keep you all in my prayers. Again, THANK YOU for all of the prayers you have said for me for so long. I hope to talk to any one of you soon :).



Anonymous said...

Paul, it was sooooo good to read the blog today and realize you wrote it yourself. Although your mom does a WONDERFUL job - it's even more special that you were able to write. I am so glad you are home, that the surgery seemed to go well, and that you are feeling in such good spirits. I had my ladies Bible study group praying for you as well as the rest of the church. Our God is awesome isn't He? I'm so glad you are doing well. Love, Sandy Rose

Anonymous said...

Paul- i love when you write on the blog! i love your honesty. yes, i am sure those 2 weeks went by very slowly. but i am so glad you came out of it well! you truly amaze me with your strength. i know i sound like a broken record because i always tell you that, but i just really want you to know how much you have helped me with my own crosses and struggles that i have in my life. you will never know how much you have inspired me and i thank you for your courage. i am a recovering alcoholic and addict and i struggle every single day it seems. i have had moments where this blog and you and your sweet mother have lifted me up and encouraged me to keep on fighting when i have been very close to giving up. so i thank you again. take care.

Anonymous said...


Do you remember the time you ate my ice cream, drank my beer and smoked my cigar?

If not, come to Chicago and we'll watch the sunset from the deck and you can raid my refrigerator and hunidor again and I'll forgive you again.

Love ya,
Uncle Keith

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you're writing Paul! I always pray for you!

Anonymous said...

Paul - How good it was to read your post! Your physical healing and spiritual awakening have been such an blessed journey that we have been priviledged to witness through this site. And your family's sharing of that journey has been a grace for us all. Our thanks to you and your family for taking the time to keep posting. We continue to pray for you daily.
the Barans