Saturday, February 24, 2007

Paving the Way

Even though we have seen that Paul's headaches are on the rise in intensity of pain in the past week, he get's an A for effort!

Jerry, our friend and 'Life Saver' moved into a new house this week. He had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off to get it done. Because he is truly an angel sent by God to our family, he of course picked up Paul each morning and went to Mass with him. Busy as he was, he kept Paul by his side. Paul in return, tried very hard to be of some help.

On Wednesday, Paul helped assemble the kitchen table and chairs that had been delivered. He stayed at it until his head started to hurt too badly. He went back and forth between the houses with Jerry, getting things in and out of Jerry's car. On Thursday, he was on hand when they delivered the furniture to the house. He was the first one checking out the recliner to make sure it was The big event of Thursday was when Paul and his dad carried in the queen size mattress and box springs. Paul asked that I 'spot' him while he carried it, making sure he didn't trip on anything he could not see. He has good strength in his body, which is a huge improvement over this time last year.

On Friday, he developed a much worse headache and was only able to help assemble a popcorn machine (it's an old time kind - a large glass top on a red metal base that has 2 large wheels). He also was the one who figured out how the home theater system worked for the large 50" flat screen TV. For the guys - these were the 2 most important tasks to be completed. Of course, it's going to be 'movie night' at Jerry's each Friday! Paul and Michael are really looking forward to that. Must be why Paul put in the extra effort getting the popcorn machine and theater set up. He started having really bad headaches on Friday morning and has gone downhill since.

His headaches are now staying at levels 7 - 8.5 and with little relief fromTylenol.
Yesterday, I had to stay home with him and I called the doctor to see if they would want to see him sooner than his next appointment. Since Paul is due for some tests on Wednesday in Charlotte, they said he can take Lortab until his appointment. Jon is home with him today.

Paul barely made it to church on Sunday morning and was in a lot of pain during the Mass. He went straight home and to bed. He had made plans with his friend Susan, to attend a free concert at the Rialto Theater where the GA State Orchestra was going to perform. He had really been looking forward to that and again, put out a huge effort to get there. We met Susan for lunch and then went to the concert. About 1/2 of the way through he asked if we had any Tylenol with us. We didn't because he wasn't due for any. He sat through the rest of the concert with his headache getting more painful. Afterward said he really enjoyed it, but he sure wished his head didn't hurt so much. As soon as we got home, he got into bed and that is where he stayed.

Once he got some Lortab yesterday, his headache level came down to a 5.5 and he was able to join us in the evening for dinner. We had a surprise party for Michael in the evening. He was a member of the Academic Decathalon at school and he won the medal for 2nd in state in Economics and 3rd in state for Speech. We were so proud of him and so we had his uncle and aunt over, along with Jerry and his parents for a very impromtu dinner celebration. I didn't want to let the opportunity go by without some fanfare! Michael has had to be in the background for too many moments this past year and 1/2. It was his turn. It's his senior year and we want to enjoy as much time as we can with Michael before he heads off to college in the Fall. Paul actually got up before the dinner and helped me get the table cleared and then set for company. He knew it was a surprise dinner for Michael, so he quietly helped me get ready for it. He saved the one dose of Lortab until right before dinner, so he could join us. My sister brought balloons and an ice cream cake as a surprise. Michael had no idea and it was a wonderful evening. It took my mind off how worried I have been about Paul's headaches. Having to wait until Wednesday has had my nerves on end. I am so concerned because Paul has not been down with headaches like this for a long time. Up until the surgery, he had been active most of the day. At the very least - he was not in bed all day. This past few days, it has reminded me of how we were last year at this time - Paul in bed most of the day. The one difference now is that he keeps struggling to get up and try to do something anyway. Sadly, he then has to lay right back down in pain. He keeps trying to be part of the family, but he can't hang on for very long before his head hurts more than before.

On Sunday night, he walked downstairs in the evening and he looked at me for a moment, then started to get tears in his eye as he asked me, "How much longer will I have these headaches? I hurt so bad and I want them to stop." He has really started to grow weary with all of this and the sad part is, I haven't any idea when it will end. I cannot answer his questions. I took him back upstairs and rubbed his back while we prayed the rosary. He asked that I either read him something prayerful or just pray with him, as the pain was so bad. To be honest - it's all I could think to do too. Jon and Michael joined us. It is the only thing that helps calm my nerves. Thanks be to God for the gift of prayer. It always brings me peace, as I know our prayers are answered even before we have asked. It helps me become centered on Jesus, one more time.

Please pray for Paul's continued strength while he carries his 'cross' during this season of Lent. I remember vividly how much worse he was last year at this time. He had been in the hospital with pneumonia and then the onset of hydrocephalus. While we have a better knowledge of hydrocephalus, we aren't much further ahead in progress it seems, in solving the complications of Paul's case. All I know is, we ARE one day closer to the answer and we have had everyone's prayers and kind deeds paving the way for us!

Please pray for the doctors who are working with Paul, that they may be graced with the knowledge needed to bring healing to Paul.

Thanks to all of you, from all of the Fidero's!

Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Paul (and Rebeccfa),

I was reminded recently that sometimes the saints are the ones who were "made fun of" and the ones who were having to "suffer A LOT" in our lives. Paul, I feel that you are definately a possiblilty of that catagory in your suffering. I KNOW that Jesus is looking over you and giving you strength in your suffering with your headaches. You are blessed!

Keep "going by the beat of a different drummer" as that is the way to go in God's work, Paul. You are wonderful in God's eyes! (As you, Rebecca!)

Take care, I am PRAYING for you and with you.

Carol Rehonic

Anonymous said...

i think of Paul so much when i am at sunday mass. every time the priest holds up the eucharist at consecration, for some reason, paul's name is whispered from my mouth. i just say i offer up my communion for Paul, Jesus. i just ask Jesus to hold Paul so close to His heart-to heal him, to comfort him, to help him hold on just one more day. i just feel so strongly that he is going to be completely healed soon. i just know it in my heart. hang in there, paul.:)

Anonymous said...

Michael is going to be the next Tom Monaghan.