Thursday, February 08, 2007

A LIttle Zap Will Do It

Paul and Jon are on their way to Charlotte again today for an appointment at Dr. Matthew's office. They are going to do the test where they will 'zap' the cranial 7th nerve (I believe that is the one). It is their hope that it will jump-start the nerve and there should be a very quick response in the feeling in Paul's face. They have seen good success in this procedure on nerves that were not completely severed. After this last surgery, Dr. Matthews and Dr. Roberts both felt optimistic that the nerve was not severed and the electrical charge might actually work for Paul.

We blessed Paul with the holy water from Lourdes that James brought back at Christmas and prayed together for a positive outcome. With God, all outcomes are positive - we just have to adapt to His answer. Easy words to write, tough to accept sometimes. So we also prayed for acceptance in this day.

I asked Paul last week if he ever got a 'sense' that our friend Chris, who is still in a somewhat non-responsive state, would recover and be able to speak to his family and be able to function more fully. I wondered because Paul will say things like he really knows the answer. His answer was on the mark. He said it is not about whether Chris, or even himself, will have a miraculous and perfect cure. It is only about how we respond to God's answers. It's about everyone around Chris and Paul and how they will respond to this calling from God. Will they listen more attentively, more sincerely, more lovingly to God's call or will they turn away from God in anger and despair. What Chris and Paul are going through personally are between them and God. What we each experience is also between just us and God. That is what these 2 occurences are all about. That is what every difficult occurence is about. And that was Paul's answer to me.

We remain trusting in God as we work through our 'checklist' of the things Paul has to recover from - paralysis of his face, reduction of ventricle size, shunt function/adjustments, cognitive abilities, left hand nerve damage, eyesight and hearing. Through prayerfulness, we will attain a more full recovery of what is most important in our relationships with God. Do I hope for complete recovery...........for the Full Meal Deal...........absolutely! But I long for and hope for attaining heaven even more and if His answer is not what I have in my mind, then I pray for acceptance of the 'discipline' God asks of our family as we walk alongside Paul. I am confident that prayer is always answered.

"He is a deliverer and savior, working signs and wonders in heaven and on earth." (DN 6:28)

May the blessing of almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit descend upon us and remain with us always.
Jon and Rebecca

PS - In case you didn't see - Paul's post is the one before this one!


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying that this trip to Charlotte will help with the headaches! God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

How did the treatment go? You have been in my prayers.

God bless you, Fidero family.