Saturday, February 04, 2006

"It's sure big news around here"

One of the reasons I have not written in the last few days is that I've basically met my match. I tried to work while staying with Paul in the hospital. I would go home in the evenings while Jon was with Paul and then get back to the hospital to stay the night. Paul would wake up and be very confused and a bit frightened since he didn't know where he was and with his fever, would wake up often. He came home on Thursday, but we started the cycle of diarrhea again as we tried to get him back on a full day's diet. He also suffers from reflux, so every time we feed him, he struggles to hold his food down. It is only because he is so weak that he doesn't actually lose it. He just keeps gagging until his stomach settles back down. It has been the most time consuming issue since we've gotten home. He had an appointment Friday with the doctor who put his feeding tube in. He is going to do an exam on Tuesday (upper GI) to see if Paul has ulcers on his esophagus or see if he has a yeast infection there. He said it is a fairly common problem, so we should not be worried. He will work to solve this issue as quickly as possible. Today (Saturday), by noon, we had to get Paul into the shower 2 times to get him cleaned up. So another call was made to the doctor and we will now have to feed him diluted amounts of his food every hour, with smaller amounts given and his stomach should be able to handle that. I prayed very hard today to the Blessed Mother, reminding her that I keep trying to say yes to God's will, but as I asked her on that first day, please intercede for me in obtaining the strength and grace to do all that is being asked. And to do it with a cheerful heart and great faith. I was starting to fail miserably today. And then I was led to what I believe might be the answer.

My son Jon has been telling me to get Paul on an organic diet and to get him only organic juices for hydration. I had not really been able to get it started before Paul got so sick with first the flu, then the pnuemonia and urinary tract infection that hospitalized him. The premixed food he gets has caused him diarrhea, which the doctor said does happen. Today, I was at the store and found organic baby food. It is puree food and I read the ingredients. There is only the fruit or vegetable and purified water. This surely has been around all along, but it finally was brought to my attention as I was on that aisle looking for a baby brush to use on Paul's hair to help his scalp. I noticed the food and after reading the ingredients, checked the consistency by tilting the jar. It was very smooth, which we have to have, so nothing blocks the tube. Jon had mentioned that we get a food purifier to prepare food for Paul, but my first thought when he told me that was............who has that much time? I am doing something for Paul every hour on the hour - medications, bathroom, feeding first by mouth and then the tube, bathing, driving him to therapy, etc. I write the posting anywhere from 11 - 1 a.m. each night, as that is my quiet time when I can collect my thoughts. When would I have time to cook and puree food? So I was excited to see this line of organic baby food. The consistency would be correct with a little water added and it can also be used to feed Paul by mouth and alleviate the issue of his problem with chewing and swallowing. I tried it for the last feeding of the day, and he did fine with it. He did have a little reflux problem, but he has that with everything. That is another issue! Chewing and swallowing is the main issue. I also found liquid vitamins, which I can add to his feedings - splitting the daily dosage between his feedings so as to keep it from upsetting his stomach with a full dose at one time. I will supplement his water intake with the organic fruit and vegetable juices. After I had made the decision to go this route, I happened to open my email tonight, right before writing this posting. I received an email from the mother of a young lady who went to Ave Maria ( who has since left for Spain to enter a convent - so keep Katherine Shea in your prayers!). Anne Shea told me about this diet that has proven to be very helpful to a number of people with whome she has shared it, in their recoveries from strokes, cancer and intestinal problems. It is basically the same information Jon had told me about. Organic foods, raw vegetables/fruit more often than cooked, and aboslutely no processed foods. There is a site for more information and it is called Physicians Committe for Responsible Medicine ( I know that God has sent me messages and confirmations about my decisions so many times in the past and thought this is His way of saying - eat what I have provided. Finding this line of organic processed food today, getting the message from Anne Shea all confirms what Jon has been telling me for the past 2 months. Sorry Jon - I believed you, I just didn't have the time to prepare what was needed. It appears God has provided a simple solution. Again.

Here is another 'confirmation' I received today. I have asked a number of people to pray that Paul will be healthy enough to attend a healing Mass at Holy Spirit Catholic church on 2/11/06. Right after Paul's accident on 11/11, I realized that the 11th of February was the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. His accident was on 11/11 and he came home on 1/11. So it has had me thinking that the 11th is certainly a day of some importance. And then I read last week about the healing Mass that was to take place on the actual Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes (2/11). I just felt in my heart that Paul should attend, most especially since I have had holy water from the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France, at his bedside since his accident. It was brought to the hospital that night by a dear friend, Janine Holmes. I had used it to bless Paul when I left him each day he was in a hospital and still use it nightly. In the email I mentioned that I received from Anne Shea about the good effects of an organic diet, she also wanted to let me know that a very good friend of their family, Fr. Haryasz, a retired priest, meets with a group that prays the rosary each week. Paul is included in their intentions. He also let her know that if Paul wants to visit Lourdes, France, for his healing, Fr. Haryasz will pay for it. I have to tell you, it was a good thing I was sitting down when I read that. Stunned is an understatement. I have been feeling that this feast day would be important for Paul and here was an offer for Paul to go directly to the Shrine. I know God is speaking to us. I also know that today the prayer I said to the Blessed Mother through my tears of despair, frustration and fatigue were answered in a miraculous way. She let me know by this generous offer that she has heard me and is interceding for Paul before God and for me.

After I found the food, my cousin Lauren Bacon and her husband and daughter showed up with dinner, and then later when I opened my email at 10:30 tonight, here was that unbelievable email from Anne Shea. My prayer was answered with far greater abundance than I could imagine. I am still fighting back the tears as I write this. I also received an encouraging email from our friends at St. Stephen's, whose daughter died in her 20's after a very long illness. They said "We have such a wonderful God that we learn to do whatever is necessary and to accept the things we never thought we would be able to accept. We cry, we learn, we cry and try again. And we pray. My deepest, longest prayer was often simply "O God!" Those are often the only words we can say to express what is going on inside of us. But they are enough. We call out to our Father, just like our children call out to us. And He hears us. Like we do, but better". Perfectly stated.

So about that title. All of this information today has been big news around here, but the title actually came from Paul. On Thursday, the speech therapist at Northside Hospital was helping Paul with his swallowing of liquids. She had done a barium test and found there is nothing physically wrong that is causing Paul any problems with this issue. He swallowed the first sip of apple juice, but could not swallow the next one. Both of us were trying to coax Paul and cue him to help him swallow. My cell phone rang and then Paul swallowed immediately. I was so glad I told Paul I was proud of his effort and the therapist also said good work. Since it was Jon (dad) on the phone, I told him to congratulate Paul. Paul took the phone and I heard Jon tell him "Way to go Paully, congratulations!" Paul asked "what are you congratulating me about?" Jon said "Congratulations on swallowing, that's great, that's BIG!" Paul's deadpan response............"It's sure big news around here."
We laugh, we learn, we cry and we try again.

All our love to everyone who has visited this site, shared their stories, given advice and information, provided food, gifts and offers of help, we thank you and also most sincerely, thanks for all your prayers lifted up to God through His angels and saints.
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

I do very much understand your anguished crying out to God. He is our only hope, but more than that, He is our best hope, and He does not disappoint. As you walk this path, often thinking God has hidden His face from you, remember that He did not spare His only son in order that He might have YOU as His special child. Having given up His Son for you, will He now withhold any good thing, any blessing from you, His beloved child? May it never be! For His name's sake, He will show Himself good and mighty and tender hearted! Praise His name forever and ever!

Anonymous said...


Yo-Baby yogurt is organic and has the right bacteria strain to fight yeast. And it would be the consistency you need for Paul. A nutritionist Sarah works with says it is the only yogurt worth buying. Unfortunately for me, I found that out after all my little kids got addicted to the other varieties of yogurt and they don't really like Yo-baby. But it is good, the apple kind, especially.

Rebecca B

Anonymous said...

I GOT MY WORDS TANGLED UP!!!! God DID send His only Son so He COULD have you as His precious child! I ruined it--I'm sorry if it hurt you or left you wondering what in the world I was trying to say...I'm an idiot, as usual...

Anonymous said...

Not to worry -- everyone knows that even the best of messages can be laid low by a faulty keyboard.

The intent was very inspirational.

Anonymous said...

Oh my..
I'm speechless. What in the world happend to Paul? I tried to call and instant message but no reply..

I really want to know what happend. I rolled over Kelly's name on my buddylist and noticed her saying something about praying for paul and his recovery, but didn't hear about this..

What happend? please call! I'm worried.

conner huff

Is there anything I can do, please let me know.