Saturday, October 14, 2006

Where in the World is.......

I had a great aunt who lived in an assisted living home and I would go see her as often as I could when I first moved to San Diego. She was my great grandmother's sister and I loved them both so dearly. I would go see my aunt fairly often. When Jon asked me to marry him, my parents asked that the wedding be in Louisiana, since that is where all my family lived. I got so busy with the wedding plans and was not able to get out to my great aunt for over a month. She lived about an hour and 1/2 away from me. I felt so bad about it and so one day, decided to make a really quick trip out there and as I came into the dining room, she saw me right away. (Now mind you, she was about 5 foot and 88 lbs.) Well her face lit up and she smiled so big. Then, with the loudest voice she could muster, she called out to me, " BECKY!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Everyone turned to look. I was so shocked that she could talk that loud and immediately felt guilty for not coming sooner, as she had no family left. Well,this morning I realized that I had not posted anything on the blog due to getting ready for the luncheon today and having one of the busiest work weeks in my life. (Of course it never fails - plan an event and everything else in your life flares up!) I know we have made you wait longer than ever for a blog to be posted. I have never had such a busy week as this one. I don't want anyone to think that there is something really wrong and the motto we live by is......NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS.
I have some good news to post and will, but right now we are gathering everything needed for the Thank You party and before Jon catches me doing this while he is still working, I just wanted to let you know I will post pictures and all that has happened this past week later on this evening.

God bless you all and we look so forward to seeing as many of you that can come as possible!

Peace in Christ,
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the pictures. I'ts always a joy to see new ones, I check the blog every day for them. Hope your busy week goes well Aunt Becky!!

Anonymous said...

Gee, I don't think I understand. busy huh. smile. Hope the party was a blast. Looking forward to hearing about it and seeing all those wonderful smile of such fabulous prayer warriors. God bless you this coming week.