Monday, October 16, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

( I will add in the text below pictures later - it took an act of Congress to get these posted! I had to open 3 different blogs to get all this on. There are a few more pictures that I will add later also, to include pictures taken today.)

Justin (Paul's friend from DTSi) and his wife and new baby daughter.

Paul giving his speech

Gabriel and his younger brother. Gabriel is 19 and is recovering from his car accident 16 months ago. He is back in school at GSU!

Paul, Nancy Crews and her daughter, Katherine. They brought dinners to us and also helped us with information about government agencies that provide assistance to disabled people.


Anonymous said...

The black leather jacket lives! Long live Lou Reed and our boy Pablo to the Wablo. I hope the party was as jouful as it seems in the pictures.

Clearly, the most rapid recovery for you has been spiritual, so we have that part of your life back in order.

So, from here on out it's all about kickin' butt and takin' names. I want you working out, building pecs, abs, lats, glutes and anything else that's needed in the process of getting on with your life.

I'm going out on a limb and telling you that you should start thinking about the date for the next Lilburnstock concert on the deck as a kickoff for "Pauls' comeback tour".

We'll work on a snappier name for the T shirts we'll sell - you work on the song list.

Thank you Lord for the gift of love I share with the family Fidero - California/Georgia), Rickels, Soignet, Rosen and Brown.



Anonymous said...

I was just looking at pictures from Febuary and March and then at these new ones, and it just goes to show how good God truelly is! The difference it phenomenal! Paul I love ya keep up the good work! And a big hello to Uncle John, Aunt Rebecca, Mike,James,John and Marie...I miss all of you!