Sunday, October 15, 2006

Speech! Speech!

As you can see from the pictures, we had a wonderful thank you/birthday party on Saturday. It was absolutely terrific to see Paul's friends again and watch him enjoy himself among them. He woke early and we got ready for Mass. Afterwards, he came back to the house to get some breakfast while we set up the Fellowship Hall for the party. Everyone started to arrive around 12:10 and Paul did a good job of greeting just about everyone. He would see someone he knew and would go hug them and thank them for coming. At around 2:00, Paul came to the front of the room and we got everyone's attention so that he could read his speech that he had been working on the week before the party. He began by jokingly stating he would start out by asking for a donation. There was a burst of laughter and he enjoyed that alot. Then he started his speech. ( I have typed it exactly as he had it typed on his sheet.)

"Hi Everyone!" (Everyone responded back, "Hi Paul!") He smiled back at them.

I want to thank you all very much for taking the time to come out to this event today.

It is amazing how much everyone has done for me and still does for me every day.

It is obvious that the prayers to God have helped me so much. God has given me vision back in my eye, which initially the doctors examined and found to be blind. Later, the eye was only half blind. With more of God's help, my left eye was brought back completely to 20/20 vision. (Everyone clapped at this statement.)It is amazing what God can and does do.

We all know how much God can and does do, but my friends and family and St. Stephen's community have done an incredible amount for me as well. We have had meals cooked for us, people have prayed for us unceasingly, people have helped me with my walking and balance and have driven me everywhere I needed to go.

An incredible thing to me personally are the Masses that have been said for me. I've been a Chrisitan my entire life, but since the accident I have realized that I needed to focus on God a lot more.

As you can see, I am standing here talking to you. My eye has been restroed to 20/20 vison. I can still move all my limbs, and my heavenly Father has kept me alive!!! God has blessed me so incredible and I pray for God to bless each one of you."

He looked up and just smiled at everyone and they all clapped. He said "Thank you" and walked back to his table. A few minutes later, we brought him back so we could all sing Happy Birthday to him. He will be 22 on Monday. We decided on this date for the party so that we would could not only thank everyone for helping us get him to this birthday, but to celebrate his life. We didn't want to celebrate the accident date! So after his 11/11 accident, we celebrated his 22 birthday in the 11th month of recovery!

It was an incredible day. The weather could not have been more wonderful and Paul could not have felt better. We kept waiting for him to let us know he was done and needed to go to the car and lay down or even leave. But he didn't. He even skipped taking Tylenol until 2 hours later than usual. He held his own the whole time. We were so busy greeting and thanking people for all they have done that Paul had to fend for himself. He was walking around and talking to just about everyone. He got his food and ate, and now that he has set his alarm on his cell phone, he went to Jerry when it was time to take his 2 PM medicines. He went out to the car and told Jerry he wanted to sit out there for a few moments where it was quiet. Then after about 15 - 20 minutes, he went back in. He left church at about 3:15, as we had to stay and clean everything up. When we got home he got up when he heard us. He took another 15 minute rest around 6 PM. A friend he hasn't seen since Christmas, Jason, came to our house and Paul was really glad to see him. Jerry, Paul and Jason went out to get something to eat at about 7:30 PM and didn't get home until 10:15. This is the first time Paul had put in all those hours. He was a real trooper. God had to have blessed him, as we have not seen Paul so animated and show that kind of endurance! One of the big surprises of the day was when his Aunt Kelly and her daughter Abigail (7 yrs old) arrived from Chicago. They drove down Friday/Saturday and arived right after the party got started. Paul was very surprised and scooped Abigail up into his arms and hugged her. He used to go to Chicago fairly often to visit his dog Abby when she lived with my brother and sister in law. He became very attached to their children, Griffin and Abigail. Abigail has called a couple of times since the accident and has left voice messages on our recorder. We have saved them and will listen to them every once in awhile. Each time we smile as we listen to her tender messages for Paul.

I am still in awe of how terrific the day went. God's amazing hand at work again in our lives. Paul is so correct when he said "We all know how much God can and does do."

We have received word that the doctor in Charlotte NC will see Paul. It will be November 21st, at 3:45 PM. That will work out great for us as Jon and Marie were coming for Thanksgiving and they are now going to meet us in Charlotte and we will stay there overnight and then drive into Atlanta the next day. That will help them break up their 9 hour drive into 2 easy days. Hopefully this neurosurgeon will have some idea why the ventricles are still so large. One question we still have is whether the enlarged ventricles are causing his headaches or post traumatic headaches.

We met with the personal trainer last Wednesday. It is a really wonderful arrangement and we look so forward to Paul getting started. We have to wait to get the approval from Paul's doctor saying he is fully capable to start a training program. He will have workouts on Wednesday afternoons. The personal trainer will work on endurance and flexibility first. Paul is still somewhat stiff in his movements. We have to get a letter from either the rehab therapists or his neurosurgeon stating Paul is allowed to start this type of training.

Monday, October 16

Paul got up this morning and it is a gray day. I asked him if he wanted to wear his new dress shirt for Mass and he said, "No, too much gray. Gray pants, gray shirt and gray day." Jerry took the day off as a surprise for Paul's birthday so that he wouldn't have a typical Monday.

Of course, this can't be a typical Monday. We are celebrating a birthday that was not supposed to happen, except by the grace of God. Praise His Holy Name.

With great thanksgiving to all of you,
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Jason's. I met Paul once, about a year and a half ago, at Madison Grill in Atlanta, where we play cards. I have been following the blog daily and, as everyone else has, I have laughed and I have cried.

Paul, I'm sure you don't remember me, but I think about you every day. I have said many a prayer for you over the last 11 months, and want to wish you a very happy birthday and MANY MANY more!

Sherry Rosen
Atlanta, GA

Anonymous said...

Hey Paul,

Happy Birthday Buddy! I wish I could be there right now. I am praying for you like crazy over here. And pretty soon, on November the 11, I will celebrate one of Gaming's biggest feast days...Believe it or not, Martin de Toures is a big deal over here, and all of Austria celebrates becuase that is usually the day that it snows! So, I will TRY to have a mass said for you on that day. I love you Paul, and I got something nice for your birthday and Christmas, k?



P.S. email me sometime!

Anonymous said...

We hope that your birthday is so blessed it knocks your socks off! You have blessed us so much in the last eleven months by allowing us to pray for you and keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. Your faith and complete dependence on God's mercy has taught me to trust God more completely with the outcome of certain difficult situtations in my life(and they pale in comparison to your struggles). Thankyou for teaching me to pray with more simplicity and abandon as you have learned from our Blessed Mother and her precious Son. Thankyou, thankyou for all the gifts you've given us over the past eleven months, intangible treasures each one.
Today happens to also be Sr. Kathryn's birthday. She's 23 today. I know she will also be offering prayers for you and thanking God for your wonderful life and witness. God bless you tons and tons Paul. We love you.
The Sheas in FL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The Dunleavys of Wyoming (and Florida) wish you a most blessed and happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAUL!! Those pictures were awesome and your speech was great! May God bless you and your family on this very special day and always!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Paul!

Sorry I missed your big party Saturday but it sounds like you had a great day!

God Bless!