Saturday, September 23, 2006

I Can See Clearly Now

God's glory continues to show in this wonderful story of his.

On Tuesday, I was overwhelmed with the joy of the news that Paul's eye is in good condition and asked him if he would like to stop at St. Stephen's on our way home from rehab. I said we should stop by to specifically thank God for his wonderous deed. Paul said that would be a good idea, so we did. When we walked into the sanctuary, there was a lady sitting near the front, so I whispered to Paul that we would not be able to pray out loud, as he likes to do when he lights candles in front of the Mother of Perpetual Help icon. He said that we should go to the woman and ask her if she would like us to pray with her. I mentioned to him that since she was alone at church, she probably wanted some quiet time alone and we should not disturb her. I said we could go light some candles, then come to the back of the church and say our prayers, and could just include her intentions along with ours. Paul had been holding my hand, and in response to my last statement, he took his hand from mine, and then told me, "You can go light candles, but I am going to go ask that woman if she would like me to pray with her." He walked away from me and headed down the aisle. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want him to disturb the woman. So I walked down the far left aisle and went to the candles. I thought to myself that I would go over and get him after I finished and that way we would not bother anyone for very long. I heard Paul talking to her and as I turned around to look at them, I realized I knew the woman. I told her I hoped we were not disturbing her and she then told us why she was there. Paul and I said we would be sure to keep her and her family in our prayers because she really was very upset. Paul told her he would light candles for her too and for her children. We went back over to the candles and Paul prayed for many things. The woman left while he was praying. Later, I told Paul that I was so happy he had the courage to walk up to someone he didn't know and offer to pray for them. I felt a bit guilty about not being so open to the needs of others.

On Wednesday, I had a really bad day at work and came home a half hour earlier than usual because of a bad headache. Our neighbor across the street (Bob) started to walk over to me and so I met him on his lawn. As we were talking, my other neighbor Connie also came home early. She got out of her car and came over to us saying she had an amazing story for us. She said that her high school friend, who reads our blog also, sent her an email that day which had been received by the high school friend's very good friend. (Hope this won't be too The email was written to share about how God had answered her prayer. She wrote that she had really been going through a very rough time in her life and her family was suffering so much. She was very sad and upset and had stopped by church to pray for God's help. She said she had looked up and asked God to please send her a sign that everything would be okay and she then felt a soft touch on her hand. She then heard a voice say, "Would you like me to pray with you?". She looked over and she said God had sent her an angel and his name was Paul Fidero. She recognized him right away. She was so happy he had come with his offer of prayer. Connie said that since her high school friend had learned about Paul through Connie, she had to share the story of this other friend. I told Connie about the rest of that story, which was that I had tried to stop Paul from 'bothering' this woman who was truly in need of comfort and prayer. I said that in my effort to go thank God for Paul's 20/20 vision, I was the one whose eyes had been opened! As Connie was telling us about all this, Bob had tears flowing down his face. He got his handkerchief out and said, "I don't know why I am crying, I don't ever cry." Then he said, "that was our Paully who did that". I was trying hard not to cry, but when Bob referred to him as "our Paully" I felt my own tears well up. Paul's love of God is for everyone and as Connie said, that penny that God dropped in the water is rippling out in every direction. She said the original email went out to about 30 people, with her high school friend being one of them. No telling how many people will see how awesome God is - only God knows. But for me, it showed how each of us is truly part of his tapestry, bringing a little something to his world. About an hour later, Bob's wife came over to me to tell me that Bob told her about this story and she said they both cried and that "Bob never cries." She said Paul has really shown Bob about God and his love.

When I told Paul about how he had helped the woman for whom he had offered his prayers and then Bob's reaction to the subsequent event, Paul said, "That makes me want to cry." I told him that his openness to God taught me that I needed to pray that my own eyes would see more clearly His ways and His love for us.

Paul has been going to work and has gone swimming 2 times this week. Jerry said that he stays very active while in the pool. It will be a great physical therapy for him and Jerry was so kind to buy him a yearly pass. We are going to contact the woman who provided us with her email address concerning the personal trainer. Paul really needs to build his endurance and muscle tone. I use his genuflecting as a guide and he is still pretty wobbly when he goes down to his

He has had some really good days this week. One moment that stands out with the other one just mentioned is when Paul walked over to Bob's house. I was doing something that was taking too long, so Paul started to walk without me. I came out the door and was going to tell him to wait, but decided to see if he would do it all alone. My only worry is that there is a hill which cars come over too fast sometimes and I always tell Paul that we need to be listening for any cars. He stopped and looked both ways, and kept watching the hill as he crossed. I joined him over at Bob's and we both congratulated him on doing it alone. He also went home by himself. He walked further down toward our house before he crossed, so there was more distance away from the hill - this he figured out for himself. After he got to our house and near the front door, he walked back out to the lawn and I saw him take a deep breath and then he yelled over "I love you mom", waved and then walked in. I turned to Bob and said, "That is the first time he yelled - that took some work." Bob and I reflected on how far he has come. I told him I had kept a vision like that in my head since the accident, where Paul would be walking away from me independently and calling back to me, "See you later mom". I am getting to witness it more and more as Paul heads out with Michael and Ann (to go to the local ice cream shop) and with Jerry (to go out to eat........his favorite past-time!!).
God's story just keeps unfolding and we are so blessed to be so much more aware of it in our lives. All these wonderful and tender stories keep giving us so much strength and joy.

"How great is your goodness, Lord, stored up for those who fear you.
You display it for those who trust you, in the sight of all the people."
(Psalm 31:20)

Praise be to God. All Glory to God.

Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Praise God! The tears have been falling over these last couple blogs, esp. today! Thank you for sharing your lives with us and teaching us so much thru your faith experiences! We pray daily for you Paul and your wonderful family. We are so encouraged by your eyesight and continuing successes, keep up the good fight with Jesus, Mary and Joseph by your side! You are AMAZING!!

Anonymous said...

I was moved to tears along with you all at this story. We miss you and love you Paul, Mom and Dad, and cant wait to come down to be with you!!

Anonymous said...

All of the suffering just means that Jesus wants you to be closer to Him, and ever more dear to His heart. Never Give up!! It is amazing to witness God's miracles!! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

God is using Paul in such a powerful and amazing way....proving once again that nothing happens by accident..everything is guided by God's hand....i cannot wait to see the even greater works that Paul will accomplish through God's plan for him.....

Anonymous said...

Oh Paully, to have your love of God and your persavearnce and trust. Pray for all of us who are not as challenged as you and yet continue to stumble over very minor "rocks".

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that I don't have to take a vision test while I'm reading this blog! Too many tears of joy! I am so totally in awe of how God continues to shower us with His infinite love and mercy as we participate in Paul's miraculous recovery.

Paul is living the Gospel. Please take a moment to read today's (9/25) if you haven't done so already: Luke 8:16-18 or here:

Anonymous said...

Paul, you have created quite a tapestry and God is the master craftsman. All things are possible through Christ. Keep going -- know that many are praying for you every day.