Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

There will be a bit of a delay once again, in posting a couple of pictures I really wanted to get on the blog today. I have had some 'help' with my camera. All the pictures were downloaded somewhere on Jon's computer and I haven't a clue where they are. I have conclusive evidence of who might have done this. The only pictures on my camera are of Michael's 1981 Mercedes that he bought and fixed up a bit. He plans on selling it for a profit and my guess is that he took pictures of it to post on Autotrader. Hopefully, I will be able to catch up with him later today and he can help me locate all of my pictures. Sigh.

I have not heard from the doctor yet and I will need to call him anyway. Paul has suffered intense pain since late Saturday. We have been able to keep the level of pain down to a 7.75 (Paul's estimation of pain) with medication. He is feeling so miserable. I am asking for your prayers today for one particular reason. Paul was supposed to go to his first baseball game tonight to see the Braves and the Red Sox play. He and Jerry were going to meet Ben and his family there. Ben's daughters were really looking forward to being with Paul and Jerry and Paul was looking forward to it most of all. He was very sad last night that he might miss this. I prayed with him for a good while last night. I woke up numerous times throughout the night and prayed for him to start to feel better. If he is not better today, I would imagine the doctor will have us bring him back up there. I don't know what brought on this pain, but he has not been well since we went to the hospital. It reminds me of a very old nun I knew from high school. I saw her coming out of a hospital one day. I was there to see a friend. I asked her if she was okay and she said she was there for some tests. She said that she didn't like going to the doctor because she always felt just fine until she saw one and they would tell her what was wrong with her and she would then feel a lot worse than when she came. She said she always felt great until they told her she was not well. It seems that is what has happened to Paul. He went to Charlotte feeling pretty good, with his head pain down around the level of 3-4. Now his head is hurting at the 8-10 level. There just may be some truth to what Sister Jean Louis said!

As we wait today for help to arrive, I am going to continue to call out to our Lord and all the saints in heaven to help Paul feel some relief from his pain. I have a lot of trust that our help always comes from above!

Peace, Love and Play Ball.
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Today is Tuesday. Mother of Perpetual Help. I usually say these prayers at night. I felt to urge to say them this morning. I asked Mary to intercede for Paul. I will keep praying through out this day for Paul. Batter Up!!!

Anonymous said...

Our Lady of Medjugorge appeared to the children in Bosnia for the first time in the evenning of June 24, 1982. Sunday will mark the 25th anniversary of her continued presence. I pray to her with every rosary and mass for Paul's complete recovery.

Anonymous said...

I was humbled by Marie's gesture a couple days ago and I am moved to follow in her footsteps. I managed to catch a migraine today but I will hold off on any meds until after supper and offer it up for Paul today. May or Lord accept this small offering and grant relief to Paul. Marie, thank you for your example.

Anonymous said...

A favorite old bluegrass gospel song of mine says, "Keep your eyes on Jesus, we'll find rescue when we watch and pray." My prayers are added to the chorus today and everyday for you, Paul. I'll be thinking of you at the game tonight -- and I'll add a little prayer for the Braves!

Anonymous said...

i just screamed to God, "Just PLEASE let him go to the game!!! Just take the pain away!! you can do it!!!! like NOW!!" gosh, can you tell i get a little frustrated with God sometimes? my heart breaks for paul and i want him to go to that game so bad. i really hope he gets to. life never makes any sense. or so it seems to someone as impatient as myself. :) paul is in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I will keep praying for you today...Keep persevering in prayer and bask in Our Lady's grace!