Friday, May 12, 2006

It's a Family Affair

Pictures provided as requested!

Jonathan Tarantino, Michael, James, Marie, Jon and Paul at St. Stephen's

We thought it was time to give a new look to the blog to reflect the hope we have about this summer and all that we pray Paul will be able to accomplish.
We are 'turning a new leaf' and hope to move into a fuller rehabilitation mode!

Having everyone home has helped Paul significantly. He is talking a lot more and is laughing very hard again. This morning, he had taken a vitamin pill and then a drink of water to swallow it and James said something really funny. Paul managed to not lose what was in his mouth, but once he swallowed, he laughed out loud. Paul has made us laugh just as hard. I wanted him to get up a bit earlier this morning and sent Jon to wake him. I had breakfast cooked and ready. It bothers me a little when I take the time to cook food, and then it gets cold. Jon came back downstairs and said that Paul said he would get up later. I would like a dollar for everytime Paul has responded with 'not now, later'. I went up to Paul's room and said the mountain would not come to Mohammed, and that Paul had 2 choices. Get up now or I would have his dad resume the 6:30 A.M. showersfor Paul starting the next morning. Paul's very quick response was (as he started to move the covers off of his legs) "Holy Lord God, I'll get up." He did not say it in anger, but with a tone of voice that let me know he knew I meant business. We might have created a monster in these last 2 months, as I have said before. Paul doesn't have much motivation - which I know is related somewhat to the headaches and brain injury. But he also has gotten too used to being in bed. His brothers have gotten him up and out of the house, going on walks and running my errands, but only with a lot of coaxing. It has done him a world of good though. He has been functioning through it all with only mild headaches. By the end of the day, he does have a bit more intense headache though. He has been on a good number of walks in the neighborhood and we even went to St. Stephen's once, where Paul walked one full lap around the parking lot. It's a start! He has been grocery shopping again with his brother Jon, and he went to the local ice cream shop last night with the boys and Marie.

Another big first was that Jon and Marie were able to go out to lunch with Paul and actually finish the meal. Jon said that as soon as they sat down, Paul wanted to leave. Jon quietly encouraged him to stay there and try to make it all the way through. And it worked!

The one big disappointment is a very poor appetite. But amazingly, he did weigh in at 130.5, which is the first time since January, so we are making slow progress in the area of weight gain.

He has had 1/2 the amount of Tylenol since the adjustment to his shunt was done on Wednesday. Please continue to pray that he will be more and more relieved of his headaches. This morning, as I was taking care of his eye, I reminded him that when he is laying there in bed, he might try to say some prayers for his recovery. He said, "I do it all the time." He took my hand and we said some prayers and then he asked if we could take another walk. His request to walk was in response to my reminding him that while this is a very tough road ahead for him, with God's help and his own obedience to God's will, he will find the strength to keep moving forward. And, if this is truly going to be a 2 year recovery effort, we have finished the first quarter!

Since Jon, Marie and James have been home, the best moment so far was yesterday when we had walked around the St. Stephen's parking lot (with one of Paul's best friends, Jonathan Tarantino), we tried to give Paul a pep talk and get him to go around one more time. He got upset and said absolutely not, his head was really hurting. I said that he should at least go inside with all of us and present his petition to Jesus. We all walked into the sanctuary and prayed silently. Then Jon got Paul up and he walked him down to the altar and over to the candles under the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and first Jon lit a candle, then he had Paul light one. They stood and prayed together for a few moments, then came back to us. Marie and I were standing in the aisle and as they approached, Marie brought us all together in a hug and we prayed again. As we left the church, I told them all that they had just purchased my Mother's Day gift. Having Marie as a daughter in law is truly the icing on the cake!

Today, after James helped me recreate the template of the blog, I went back to November and happened to open the one where we wanted to share some of the many signs from God that our family had received. The most amazing thing is...........they haven't stopped for a moment. We have received so many messages and signs from God through the comment sections of the blog, through people's actions - friends and strangers alike, in nature, in timely scripture is absolutely awesome to us. No worries then - God has promised us He will be with us always and He has shown us in numerous ways. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Light, we will be led.

Praise be to God,
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Pictures sis, we want pictures!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family!!!

Anonymous said...

You have been so inspirational to me and we have been praying for Paul every day! I have cried many tears and you have brought a smile to my face too. Love the pics, I feel as if I know you all, thanks for sharing your life with us.

Anonymous said...

Have a blessed mothers day! you are a beautiful example of who a mother should be. I have learned so much through reading your stories!!

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Paul's from Parkview and am home from college for summer break. I would love to come and visit Paul, but I forget your address. I can be reached at: