Monday, July 02, 2007

Surf City

What a glorious God we have. We prayed for Paul to have some relief and God heard our prayers. Paul has been able to enjoy the last 5 days with all the visiting extended family and we have lots of pictures to post.

My sister Mary Beth and her son James came into town, along with my sister -in-law Kelly and her daughter Abigail. They arrived last Thursday and Friday (hence the reason I haven't posted anything!!!). We have had so much fun in the last few days and there is a lot to tell you.
Paul was able to hang in there with us and there have been some headaches around the pain level of 7, but he has stayed the course and joined in just about everything we were doing.

On Friday, little James stayed with Paul and Jerry and he had a really great time. Paul worked with him on the guitar, played games with him and showed him the excercise bike and how it worked. They had a really good day.

But the biggest news around is that Paul decided he really wanted to leave early for our vacation trip to Topsail Island in North Carolina and he and Abby dog got to leave yesterday morning with Mary Beth, Kelly, little James and Abigail. He took the first car leaving Atlanta and headed to the beach. There is so much to tell you and I am so sorry to leave you hanging like this, but I have to get to work and will post all the wonderful stories this evening, along with pictures. But I did want to hurry and share the news that Paul appears to be trending upward!!! Prayers in action, my dear prayer warriors, prayers in action!

Our love to you today.
God bless all that you do.
Jon and Rebecca

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a glorious way for The Warriors to start the week! Can't wait to hear the details! But thanks for the "topline"! Enjoy your holiday!!!!