Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Shining Through Clouds

We have noticed since Paul had his shunt put in that weather really affected the pain level of his headaches. You can predict a storm by Paul. A cloudy, rainy day often makes Paul want to go to bed and stay there. We really have to struggle to keep him moving as best as possible.

I mentioned already that I have been busy with writing a talk this week and how it helped me remember how God really helped us through. I also remembered the 2 times that those who were in the waiting room with us had prayed over Paul as he was being rolled out of ICU and down the hallway for xrays to be taken. I got the idea to sit with my hands over Paul once again and ask the Holy Spirit to bring healing.
Paul was still sleeping and I sat staring at his face which is so beautiful to me.
I prayed that he would have continued strength to deal with his pain, because it was storming outside. An hour later, I woke him and he got up, went to Mass with Michael and then went to DTSi. He came home and stayed up and worked on his computer until I got home. He even emailed me at work. When I got home, he said his computer was running too slow and would not run the CD that Richard Watson had given him. It was a CD of all the pictures Richard took while he was in Europe for about 10 days. A lot of the pictures were of the beautiful cathedrals over there.
Paul said he had been working with his computer since he got home. That is amazing since we have to 'schedule' computer time on Paul's daily activity list, so that he will spend time on it. Michael was busy with his work, so he wasn't able to direct Paul much, or walk the dog with him. But Paul kept himself busy. That is truly a first. And on a cloudy day.

Paul decided he really wanted to look at the pictures so he came downstairs and looked at them on Jon's computer. When Jon got home, he and Paul met Jerry over at Corpus Christi to spend an hour in adoration. I was able to put some finishing touches on my talk since it was so quiet around here. They also went to dinner after adoration. They figured I would not be cooking dinner tonight since I was so busy when they left. And they figured right!

My son came shining through the clouds today, graced by the Holy Spirit.

God is the giver of all good gifts;
come, let us adore!

Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry we will have to miss your talk. I know you'll do wonderfully, and can't wait to hear all about it.

Will Paul be sitting in the front row of the audience? I hope so. Everyone needs to see how unbelieveably well he is recovering in such a short time.

This whole year has been a miracle for all of us...thanks a million times over for posting all the ups and downs on this blog. Its been such a blessing! door.

Anonymous said...

How awesome is God in how He answers our prayers? So many of God's characteristics blow me away, and this is one of them. He is so faithful to us, even when we waver, and He never fails to answer our prayers. I've learned that sometimes we just have to listen quietly for His voice in this loud, screaming world. Thanks so much for reminding me again of His faithfulness to His children... Please know we are praying for you guys and are confident that God will continue to show you how you fit into the story that He has been so beautifully weaving since the beginning of time.

Love to you all,

Anonymous said...

I love you guys. Wish we could talk for hours. Nothing sweeter than Paul's voice praising God. Thanks for sharing with me.

Anonymous said...

There are still more miracles awaiting you! God has his master plan and he is never afraid to use it! love you!