Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Charlotte's Web

Our trip to Charlotte was absolutely worth the rain storm we had to drive in. It was a slow drive once we got to Greenville, SC because of rain and the holiday travel. I have to admit, we didn't approach this doctor visit with the high hopes we had when we went to Savannah. After so many disappointments, we were waiting to see what the doctor would say first.

Our hopes are lifted. This doctor is the only one who is taking Dr. Ghaly's opinion seriously and is going to find out for sure if there is a CSF (brain fluid) leak. He said that in looking at the CT scans we provided, it appears there is a problem in the area of the orbit. His opinion is that the reconstructive surgery that was done might not have sealed the orbit well and there is a small leak in that area. He said that he also believes Paul's headaches are due to low pressure in the brain. That is what the doctor in Savannah said, but didn't offer any solutions. Dr. McLanahan did. He said there is a reason for it and he hopes to find it. Paul will be admitted to the hospital probably in the first week of December and there will be a number of tests run. They will be looking for the CSF leak, the repair work done on the orbital, the functioning of the shunt and the siphon on the shunt. Dr. McLanahan said that there is a much better shunt on the market with a much more reliable siphoning mechanism. He, like the doctor in Savannah think that Paul may possibly not need the shunt, which is also what they will be testing for. If he does, they will probably use the 'new and improved' shunt. This doctor works closely with a plastic surgeon and both of them have extensive experience in the reconstruction of facial bones. He addressed the issue of the enlarged ventricles and said he will address that, but it is not the primary problem at this time. He thinks that possibly, Paul's ventricles under drain while lying down and then over drains upon sitting up. That would account for the headaches. He said he could send his recommendations to any doctor we would want to work with in Atlanta, since it is about a 3 1/2 hour drive for us. We said that we would rather work with him and his associates here in Charlotte. He said that he would be glad to help us. He confirmed this is an area he specializes in and that Paul's case is not text book - it is a more difficult case. Dr. Ghaly had said that also, but he had hopes that we would be able to find a doctor in the Atlanta area who could solve the numerous issues at hand. While we were not able to, we don't mind coming to Charlotte. I am looking forward to seeing it in the sunshine! It is a very pretty city.

We head home in the pouring rain, but with complete trust that we day closer to the recovery God has planned.

Jon and Marie met us in Charlotte, and arrived at the hotel around 3:30 AM. They got up this morning and took Paul with them. They said they are really looking forward to being 'home for the holidays' and have left already. Paul was up and ready to go with them. He was so happy to see them both. Jon walked in with his SUPER HEROES t-shirt that he and Paul had purchased on the last visit. Paul was so happy to see it and then said he had thought about wearing his too!

We are right behind them......with smiles to brighten this very rainy day.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth.
Jon and Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Humbly we adore you, Christ, Redemeer, King!
How blessed you were a year ago with Paul waking up, and again this year with an "awake" doctor. God not only opened a window, I think he took the roof off. smile.
love you all. miss you just as much.

Anonymous said...

oh that is great news! I am so glad you kept perservering in your search for the doctor who could really help Paul. This sounds so promising and i am so happy for you all!!! I know that when I was in all my physical pain i kept on looking and seeing doctor after doctor until i finally found one that could actually help! I was not going to let any doctor tell me that i would have to live in severe pain for the rest of my life.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
I am so thankful for your blog and all the strength it has given me!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I prayed for you the whole time. I'll continue to pray fro you all. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Boy, the things you miss when you don't read the blog for a month! I'm kicking myself for not staying on top of it, because I was in Atlanta for my mother's 75th birthday on Nov. 10 and would have loved to have been at the Magnigicat talk on the 11th! I'll ask Keith to send me a copy. I know it was inspirational to all who heard it. The miracles God has done in your family over the past year have brought so many people closer to the Lord and our Lady. I just experienced a life-changing silent retreat with Fr. Felix,from the Home of the Mother(Spain), and then I read the prayer of St. Albert on this site and received such confirmation from the Lord! WOW, that's one powerful prayer! Thankyou for sharing that Rebecca. You are really being used by the Lord to bring his message to the world through your life, your example of faith and trust and this blog. We will add Kathy and Chris to our daily rosary intentions and prayer list. Thanks for sharing their story with us too. Praising God for all He has done in Paul's life over the past year. Blessed be His holy name, now and forever. May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts this advent season.

Anne Shea